

The BRANDED Anti-Trend Report: 5 Marketing Truths CPG Brands Need To Know In 2024

January 22, 2024

Looking for Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) trends you need to know in 2024? Then this isn’t the article for you.

Because great brands aren’t built on trends — they’re built on marketing truths.

When you’re feeling pressured to keep up with the latest consumer trends, it can distract you from the real task at hand: planning a brand strategy that doesn’t just guarantee your success in 2024, but ensures your brand will still be here in decades to come.

So rather than compiling (another) list of CPG trends for 2024, we want to remind you of the marketing truths behind the trends.

Because after four decades working with some of the biggest and most enduring names in the CPG and retail industries, we’ve seen a lot of trends come and go. But no matter how much the world changes, these marketing fundamentals always stay the same.

By simply remembering these basics, you can stay reactive, responsive and relevant, without straying from the integrity of your brand, or making costly mistakes.

Our straight-talking guide to brilliant marketing is packed full of expert insights from our award-winning team, actionable takeaways, and plenty of inspiring examples of CPG brands that have got trends right.

You’ll learn:

How to adapt your marketing for changes in consumer spending

Why being transparent is a way to build trust, strong relationships and brand loyalty

The importance of laying your strategic foundations before you engage with trends

The brand-building theory that will help you stand out from the crowd and boost performance

How to position technology as a means to an end, not the end itself

Ready to dive in?

The BRANDED Anti-Trend Report

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